Mode of Entry

There are two main ways to get onboard our training programmes.

- The Integrated Helicopter Pilot Course (IHPC)

- The Ad Hoc Flying Course (AFC)

Integrated Helicopter Pilot Course (IHPC)

IHPC students undergo full time training and run their program according to the schedule of the School. Accommodation and feeding are provided at the school. Trainees are required to pay up their tuition upfront before commencing training and are therefore, not affected by any subsequent variation in tuition. The duration of the course is a period of 10 months.

Ad Hoc Flying Cours (AFC)

IHFS gives opportunity to aviation enthusiasts who cannot afford to enrol on full time basis, either due to their career/business engagements or their inability to pay tuition upfront to run the full integrated professional course. Students can run all our training programmes under the Ad Hoc arrangement - from PPL, instrument rating and CPL upgrade - only that it might take longer periods depending on the student's consistency and skill level in flying. AFC trainees are therefore, allowed to plan their training schedule with assigned instructors as convenient for both parties and pay as they fly.

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